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Naviera Blue 14oz bag

Sale Price: $4.99
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Product Reviews

(39 Ratings, 14 Reviews) Average Rating:
Morning Ritual
Margaret Trujillo (Morganton, NC) 2/10/2021 11:43 AM
We can't be without our NavierA
The ONLY coffee
Fraser H (Rough and Ready, CA) 10/8/2020 1:12 PM
Been drinking it all my life. I find all coffee inferior to Naviera Blue. No matter where I have moved, I get my coffee from Naviera. I hope this product never changes. Maybe bring back the cans so we can ditch the plastic packaging.
Simply the best!
Linda Weiner (Naples, FL) 7/30/2020 10:34 AM
The best part of waking up is NavierA in my cup! I've tried do many coffees. I cannot drink anything else. I don't even bother. Each morning I drink 3-4 mugs and sometimes in the afternoon. It's worth the insomnia!
Greatest coffee on the planet!
Richard Blank (Little Rock, AR) 5/2/2020 9:51 AM
I’ve been drinking Naviera coffee for over 50 years. There is nothing like a cafe con leche made with this coffee. It’s better than anything Starbucks or anyone else has ever produced. Thanks!
Love it!
John F Sharp (Algoma, WI) 2/26/2017 7:32 PM
I truly love this product and have been a long time customer of almost 20 years. I love the Navier A
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